Things to do in Pärnu 2021

Yes we all know that people are visting Pärnu because it is summer capital of Estonia. But did you know, that Pärnu is not only about nice restaurants, funky nightlife and sandy beaches?
Pärnu is also very popular among locals who like water sports and other activities that you can do on Reiu river.


Boat rental – 4 people per boat
Boat rental with petrol engine (4 hp, no licence required), 4 people per boat
Kayak rental – 2 people per/kayak
Pedal boat/amphibious cycle – 2 people per boat
Sup board rental – One person per board
Wake boarding – One person per board, other can enjoy same time being passangers on boat
Banana boat ride – From 5 to 8 people
Floating riversauna – Up to 14 people

Lustipark boat rental was established in early 60 s and it is longest active boat rental place in Estonia. Lustipark is very polular among locals, because of its carefree vibe and nice people.

Lustipark is located on the city border of Pärnu city and it is about 10 minutes drive from downton, you can use also public transport (bus 40). On seasson Lustipark is open every day from 9.00 -22.00.

In case of any questions do not hesitate to contact us. Easiest and fastest way is to call us.
+372 55575791.

Lustipark – Pure joy!